3 Benefits of Custom 3D Printed Ankle Foot Orthosis

Young girl standing in pool wearing ActivArmor boot

Ankle foot orthoses (AFOs) are braces utilized for a wide variety of lower limb maladies that affect proper functioning of the foot, ankle or leg. Though very popular, traditional AFOs typically made from plaster exhibit a few key issues: patient adherence, hygiene and the lengthy and restrictive creation process. 

3D custom ankle foot orthoses, on the other hand, address those concerns well. Let’s take a look at how 3D custom ankle foot orthoses increase patient adherence, improve hygiene concerns and help providers save time with the AFO creation process. 

Benefit # 1: Patient Custom Ankle Foot Orthosis Compliance

Regardless of what the treatment is, without proper patient adherence, improvement is simply not possible. Traditional AFOs show a poor compliance rate that can severely impact the outcome of treatment. 

Traditional AFOs can show poor compliance rates for a few reasons, such as: 

  • Irritation 

  • Tight fitting

  • Blistering 

  • Difficulty maintaining daily activities, such as bathing 

  • Poor impact on mobility

  • Aesthetic look of the AFO 

  • Heaviness 

Stressing the importance of AFO use can only be done so much before addressing the concerns of patients to increase AFO compliance. That’s where 3D printed custom ankle foot orthosis may help. 

3D printed AFOs can be made from many materials, but the ones from ActivArmor are made using 100% acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, a material used in a wide range of products such as children’s toys and surgical tools. 

A literature review found that patients reported higher comfort levels and preferred 3D printed custom ankle foot orthosis. 

The specialized material of ActivArmor’s custom ankle foot orthosis provides increased comfort, meaning less irritation. It is also waterproof, meaning less obtrusion into a patient’s daily life activities, and has unique, varied design options that can lead to greater patient satisfaction. 

Benefit #2: Improved Hygiene 

Though incidents of bacterial growth on AFOs are not common, they may still happen. Traditional plastic AFOs have padding that can be bacterial hotbeds. Straps are also a common area for bacteria. 

While cleaning is advised, patients may not maintain either a diligent sanitizing routine or any sanitizing routine because of a cumbersome or difficult cleaning process. 3D custom ankle foot orthosis not only exhibits lower bacterial formations but also is far easier to clean. 

Benefit #3: Reduce Clinic Time Spent AFO Creation Process 

There are many ways to create AFOs traditionally, each varying in how intensive and time-consuming the process is. Though there are different methods, the initial process of creating a traditional AFO utilizes many measurements, molding, remeasuring and other rigorous components.

While the initial process can take a long time, many providers find themselves spending additional time on adjustments and needing to address breakages or malfunctioning. The longer it takes to get a patient a functioning AFO can severely impact patient morale and disorder progression. 

Not only is the process for a 3D custom ankle foot orthosis simpler and more time efficient since they don’t require staff forming time, 3D AFOs, such as the ones from ActivArmor, are also customizable and adjustable.

The Many Benefits Of 3D Printed Custom Ankle Orthosis 

3D printed custom ankle orthoses not only increase the benefits for patients but for providers as well. Learn more about ActivArmor’s 3D casts and printing systems to help your patients receive the quality of care you want for them. 


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